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10 November 2012


(0_o herkkkk~apasai apasai apasaii?????>_< ngeeee
hihihihi..cian budop nih tekejowttt~
budak2 suke kiss kan kan..lam movie He Was Cool ,hero tu trauma dipegang sebb kiss je..(mase kechik..)
nape nape???
xnak bgtw..uolzz kene tgk seniri okeh?hihik.. (aigooo...cowie...haha)

sweet couple kan??hehee <3 (dream 2b like this..keke)
ensem kan laki nih..suke dye sgt2..hihi..gedik btuii~ =o= hohoh..
OMG !!huwaaaaaaaaaaa~
aq google He Was Cool sebb nak crik gmbr tuk letak lam nih,tp tjumpe sesuatu yg mngejutkn..huuu

kt komen filem nie..ade some1 comment : I just watched it yesterday..This movie is so cool..Jung Da-bin is so cute inside with Song Seung-hun..I couldn.t believe that she comitted suicide..

Jung Da Bin nie gadis cute nie..huu..kenape kenape kenape??y u committe suicide??huuuuu..
aq betul2 x sgke...humm..
in sad mood....

cite nie thun 2004 rasenye..lame jugk la da lepas nye..ta pe lah..lupe kan lupekan..
k..back to our topic,kissing k??hahaha

ganaih budop nih....hahahahax..aaarrr~malu malu maluuuuuuuuuuuuu~
kekeke..gitu pa kaki ye..hihix..
animal pun kissing2 jgk..hee~sweet...
animal-animal nih same spesies kan?errr...yg tu mak dye,tu de byk fur tuh..yg lgi 1 tu anak dye,xde fur lagi..heee~kan2?(myb..haha..ape2 je lah..)

mnusia kiss haiwan??
hah ,yang ni jangan..lau x,jadi cmniesss laaa....ad bran??hahahaha

suke tgk budak2..heheee..
bile lah nak ade budak sendiri..
(my product..ahahaha)

saye pun nk kiss jgkk..emwuahhhhhhh!!!hahahaahax..tutup2..for some1 only..ngee2~.........................................

k lah..-The End-
thx 4reading..mwuahhh!!


  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_in_South_Korea

    South Korea paling banyak kes bunuh diri.

  2. sy pun mnat drama korea tp tak pernah pun agi tgk drama nie.

  3. Zulhelmy : i'm ur fan too..hehe
    Blueice : ^_^knk2 mmg chumell..lucu pun ade..haha
    Scha : tq tuk mklumt..hehee
    Nurul : nie filem pendek je,bukn drama..crik2..hehe

  4. thehehe suka korea.. tapi skrg xsempt tgk bz
